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Apr 19, 2013

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My Childhood Drawing : I Was Just The Same!

one of my friend saw a file of my drawings that i carried to school and asked me
"since when have you been good at drawing?"
"i dont know exactly when have i been good, but i've been drawing since i was young, about 3 or 4 years old. (nothing special actually with this, every kid has started to draw around that age, right?)
then i added "it was a figure of stickman"
he wondered, "how could on earth?"

it's crazy though flatter me enough how someone think my artworks has been looking good since back years ago, since i was 4 years older than a new born baby (-_-oh let's say since i was 4 years). NOPE, i was just a kid like the other. I drew people in lines (stickman), then improved to mix of basic shapes such as triangle for hat, square for body, rectangle for hands and feet, and circle for head plus a messy sharp hair. i started drawing manga in elementary school with oversized unreal eyes and less nose shape and unbalanced left and right hands in size. 

for addition, in kindergarten I ever had a serious debate with my friend whether flag should be drawn in straight line or curvy line. (blown by wind) -i forget who won-

so, i didnt start with something special, I drew the same way like the others. 

everything never comes perfect at first. everything takes process, and process takes lots of practice and experiment. so the artworks spread on this blog you've taken a look at was not created by gift or talent, it is created by practices. the success we see of great yet famous people out there are made by practices. Bruce Lee wasn't born with special bone and anatomy strength, he was same as other babies. what makes his kicking and punching are so WOW are discipline of practice/training he made on every single day. 

when i was young, i had a friend whose hobby was same, drawing. hers was much better than mine. while she had a perfect proportion of a sexy princess, I had a dora mutation hormone fail. but she quit practicing while i keep making one, erasing pencil mark here and there, watching youtube tutorial and keep connecting with other artists on social media. (i thank so much to facebook, blogger, and youtube. they contribute a lot). btw her drawing is now stay the same, not much improved like the last time i saw.

as proofs of my babbling, here are the artwork back at the time inside my kindergarten drawing book that i luckily found in my storeroom. having a view of them are sooooo much funnn!~

are yeaa ready?
tini dan tono sepasang suami istri.....
*question hard what is that black thing in the middle -_-!@#$%*
cassava oyee
panjat pinang
look like Dora is on the diet
the flag i made before i watch the blowing wind makes the edge shape curvy. then the debate began
poor the driver, a horrible crash must going to happen. (look at the wheel :D) 
can you help me guess what's that flying red thing?
why did we always position the sun hiding behind two mountains or its quarter of circle at the edge of paper? btw I admire the imagination power of me being a kid. i mean, look at that flying tadpole! 
teacher gave me B- ........... :''''(
poor the last carriage

 nah you've got the proof!

so the conclusion is :  it's not about how young you have started it, it is not about the blood gift of parents, nor about how much the money you have spent for course. it is about how much times have you spent to keep making one without fear of making mistake!


  1. I am also an art freak sometimes. When I was in class 3 . All students were curious about my art , how she does that? Lol , it was funny. Your drawaing are just so cute! You gained a new follower :)

    1. ahaha yeay *cheers* tell more about ittt on your blog ;)
      and by the way thanks for your visit, comment, and followback :D

  2. "..., it is about how much times have you spent to keep making one without fear of making mistake!". Yeah. Agree. But those charming drawings undoubtedly show a considerable talent as well. Which of course helps to persevere I assume :).

    1. take it as compliment, thanks, what a lovely of you !:D

      yes talent has influence, i agree. it's just.. people often release suggestion that stop the build up of skill, for example by saying "ow look at how awkward my body moves. i got no talent at dancing" while probably it has potential growth with more practices, i suppose. :/

    2. I say Amen to that :).

      (And YES, it was a compliment!)


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