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Nov 6, 2014


People Come and Go. (What's in between?)

Sometimes theory is not enough. in fact, it will never be, if not followed by some steps after. And sometimes, it is really difficult to have all of those words to implement in one's life. they are nice to read, gives the sensation of relief for some period of times, but soon when i am faced to a real thing in life that requires certain real skill, i still am fucked. in fact, more fucked because i know what is a right thing to do, yet none is done right.

and at that times, when you can not work theory because they only spins in your head, you need something more. something more solid, more real, and something that you can feel.

then someone comes to you, flowing the life through himself and show you that it is possible. comes from nowhere, this person that you don't know existence a second ago, gives you life-push! it is possible to do this and that, to be this and that. That person, open my eyes of all the possibilities in life. Showing me action that comes from authentic purpose of soul, radiates out. "Move! move! move!"

Since that moment, when you like someone because you purely like it and not because you want to be liked, you start to see. The beauty shows.

i have opened my eyes all since born but it felt like my vision got blurred as i grew up, as i added more and more years in my life. but now that my eye is a bit more opened, i got realized by another life surprise. it is that, those beautiful people are here, close. they are around. Mom, dad, brother, friends.

cliche? i know! but try this : distract your self of your future lover fantasy and start to see whatever and whoever is here now.

I spent most of my times thinking about other place when i'm in public. letting those window of abundance go. Letting those faces of stranger I passed by just gone with not any impression.

I saw my friends laughing. there was usually nothing more than the big smile and teeth that I am sometime bored to see :p. But when I look close, hey it is beautiful and my mind says "you are beautiful..  move on and love yourself. you should."

People are damn beautiful.

they come and (always) go. what's in between is all that important.

Not easy for me to love. I am faraway close to ideas of "lover". But hey I can't figure out any other thing that makes more sense than to love.

I put this quote on the page sidebar. But this quotes have too big relevancy i can't deny sharing.

Don’t ask what love can make, or can do.

Look at the colors of the world!

Today, like every other day, we wake up empty, and scared.

Don’t open the door to the study and begin reading.

Take down a musical instrument and start to play.

Let the beauty you love be what you do.

There are a hundred ways to kneel and kiss the ground.

Be patient.


This gives me a little goosebump : Let the beauty you love be what you do.



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