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Oct 7, 2014

Thought, Productivity, and My Store


is there any people out there still reading the blog? haha! or it's just me perhaps, who 100 times lowered the intensity to read the running posts on  my feed? I must have been missing out lots of awesome stuffs!

Well school is getting crazier as I'm on my last grade of high school. People are crazily preparing stuffs for university, and it is perhaps what helps people to have a topic to talk about, lately. "What uni you enroll to?" Yes, you people, you have asked me 5 times and aha, not this time.

well but as the others are sharpening their mind and their skill, it seems that.. It doesnt happen really well for me. I mean to say that i'm just slowly drawing myself inside the circle of satanic laziness routine. :p It is not as if i'm going down, but i know that in such injury time like this I should have gone up and get up for life, rushed by more power for more action of life.

WELL .. Overthinking still killin me, dude!

as for the artwork, I became a bit more productive, and it gave me a notice of my self. I realized that once I started being controlled by my thought which is pulling me back from taking action of something, i would end up not doing much of anything in an hour, a day, whole week, and wtf, it will end up for my whole life! and guess what the good news is? vice versa! if i'm starting a single simple thing, i'll be more likely stick into it and my life turns out like a colorful canvas. all i have to do is to set them all (negative thoughts) aside and just fucking do the things. And once i'm already in the state of actuon,  everything wont be as complicated as I thought, because it is that simple. thoughts are not, but things are simple. I'm telling myself like, "dude, is it just like this and you're letting your mind keep you postpone this?" i dont understand tho, how thoughts are being so skilled to create excuse from doing the things that I know i need to do.

So yeah, even tho i had some battles in my mind to create something, i could win sometimes and feeling pretty satisfied by the result. 

In these past few days, i have been working on something that i'm suck at, but when the result starts showing, it's like "heeeeyyy look at me!" 

Yeah i'm making a blog for my art shop, where people can more easily have a look of my artwork and purchase it. The template is not as perfect as the pro webstore, but heyy this is blogger! I'm not paying anything so yeah i'm killin it! Haha (my head is full of HTML lately)

I'm thinking that it is not yet my time to sell it worldwide, i still have bunch of things to learn and prepare. Not that much a kind of risk taker hehe. I'm on my attempt toward it, for a larger scale of people i can approach.

So yeah, here it is, my artwork I have been worked on


click the image!

That's it thanks so much for reading, hope you all have a nice day!


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