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Dec 22, 2013

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"Seeking Through The Darkness."

Been few months leaving the last post on my blog haha I'm sorry very bad of me.

it's 2014 in few days ahead, but so what, we should be charged by new hope, dream, and action by every day, even second, not once a year. number is illusion of "real" life. well, i think we're all schizophrenia disorder, who can't differentiate which one is reality and illusion.

There's time when you start to think who you really are. Sometime you have to find the reality by going deep and deeper into yourself, find what's all shown on the way and what has been buried down.

I made a video of my speedpainting titled "Seeking Through The Darkness."



  1. I'm not so sure about the schezophrenia, but I am impressed by the result of your "speed painting"; WOW.


Let me know what crosses your head :D