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Oct 5, 2015

New Website

New Website

Hey guys check out my website on : :)))

May 28, 2015

Study Abroad

Study Abroad

so here we go. It is the time. I have never really predicted that I am going to stay there, I am not very into future fantasy kind of person. But really, the email and call that's coming is such a reality slap. It really is time to

Apr 19, 2015

Mood Attack (again) and Portrait Painting : Aning

Mood Attack (again) and Portrait Painting : Aning

It is only two days more of these very beneficial national exam until i can smell a... Fresh air of long holiday!! Those coming days are either gonna swoosh me into a very better state of me, with a lot of works and projects done along the soul

Apr 4, 2015

Portrait Painting : Aliyah

Portrait Painting : Aliyah

my first time to find this one kind ever, and no regret! At first she seems pushing away people, by throwing the most of "I don't want you." face, enough to get them pretty intimidated, enough for you to crash your smile into an auto awkward mode, enough

Dec 29, 2014



If i scan through my posts, most are talking around productivity and laziness because they are what i am struggling with. Whenever I got so uncomfortably comfortable with my laziness by doing nothing, I can feel the depression is slowly coming into surface. In my case, doing nothing

Dec 28, 2014

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Crumpling My Finger

Crumpling My Finger

My holiday was an half day being anxious. I felt pulled into the comfort zone of not doing anything but at the same time i knew it was not a right thing, i got to do lots of things. Big event and news will come ahead, so the

Dec 27, 2014

New Project

New Project

I am planning to have a new project ahead. I have to learn from my past experience on preparing more and more of details, as i am a bit impatient of everything and not into-the-detail-person. Here are what I've got so far.
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